2016 has been a crazy year for the Rochester Mini Maker Faire team! We attended 5 other Maker Faires, met tons of other Faires at the Maker Faire Producers Summit in SF, helped represent the NYS Maker Movement at the Nation of Makers Kickoff at the White House, participated in or first regional Burning Man event, created large art installations with the community for TEDxAllendaleColumbiaSchooland the Rochester Fringe Festival, and meet hundreds of Makers throughout the Greater Rochester area and beyond. It’s been a year beyond our wildest dreams.

The other faires we attended include: Mohawk Valley Mini Maker Faire, Troy Mini Maker Faire, World Maker Faire New York, National Maker Faire, and the Fredonia Mini Maker Faire. We also attended the Wellsville, Penfield, and Lima Primary School Maker Faires.